Things are coming along nicely for balanced athletic stance, railroad tracks and pole plants. The picket fence drill was awesome last week in promoting good pole planting skills. The morning brush drill worked well for developing better turn shape. The athletes skied well in the stubby gate courses that we set. Use of helper brushes helped promote better turn shape and the ability to complete every turn in the course. Remember, a direction change ABOVE the gate (where we have been setting the helper brush) will allow you to FINISH your turn AT the gate instead of starting it there and getting late for the next gate.
Expect J4 (thinner 25 mm) Slalom tall gates for this coming weekend along with brushes and stubbies. Be sure to bring your protective gear. The weather report has a 40% chance of rain so plan your clothing choices accordingly.
We will select balanced teams and team captains for our intramural races this weekend. Start thinking about what you would like to name your team! Coach Reis
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